The paper starts from the remarkable classical equation of the great nineteenth\ncentury Russian physicist Nikolay Umov E kmc2 where 1 2 k 1,\nm is the mass, c is the speed of light and E is the equivalent energy of m. After\na short but deep discussion of the derivation of Umov we move to Einsteinâ��s\nformula E mc2 where �³ is the Lorentz factor of special relativity and\npoint out the interesting difference and similarity between Umovâ��s k and Lorentz-\nEinstein �³. This is particularly considered in depth for the special case\nwhich leads to the famous equation E mc2 that is interpreted here to be\nthe maximal cosmic energy density possible. Subsequently we discuss the dissection\nof E mc2 into two components, namely the cosmic dark energy density\nE D 21 22mc2 and the ordinary energy density E O mc2 22\nwhere E D E O mc2 . Finally we move from this to the three-part dissection\nwhere we show that E is simply the sum of pure dark energy E(PD)\nplus dark matter energy E(DM) as well as ordinary energy E(O).